Most companies pay a lot of money for them. Maybe you spent hours and hours calling people or spent weeks of your life at trade shows. Getting leads is rarely easy or cheap. What kind of money is hiding in that lead pool of yours?
Turning a lead into a client doesn’t have to be complicated. You just have to answer a simple question about your prospect:
“How can I solve this person’s problem?”
Approaching a lead with this attitude will not only open up the conversation around your solution, but it removes the sales pressure for both you and your prospect. It will help you understand the problems they are facing and will set you apart from all the other companies just trying to get their money.
You’ll make them feel like you really do care about them. I know you do, but it rarely comes across that way right?
Think of the last time a salesperson called you or you saw an ad on TV… Did you feel cared about? Or did you feel like someone was just begging for your money? How’d that feel?
Reach out to your leads often to see if you can even solve their problems. Ask about them and what they are dealing with. Then, if it sounds like you can help, tell them how you can do that.
You’ll stick out in your industry as problem finders and problem-solvers rather than product pushers. How would that impact your business? I think we both know.
Good luck!